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Silly Riddles Page 7 of 22

Silly riddles and funny riddles just to make you smile, all kinds of silly riddles, some are very silly and some are just ridiculously silly.

91. What kind of coffee does a cow drink?

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92. If six children and two dogs were under the same umbrella how come none of them got wet?

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93. What lives in the ocean, has eight legs and is quick on the draw?

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94. Why did the otter cross the road?

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95. What is a poet's favorite soda pop?

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96. What piece of wood is like a king?

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97. Where do most of the nuts in Dodge City hang out?

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98. What has antlers and eats cheese?

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99. What do policemen eat in Chinese restaurants?

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100. What did one candle say to the other candle?

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101. What did the banana do when it saw King Kong?

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102. Why did the elephant cross the road?

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103. How does the butcher speak?

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104. What cap should never be removed?

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105. Why did Billy the Kid set Dodge City on fire?

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