Our incredible collection of riddles with answers begins on this page and is so vast it continues for 49 more pages. A variety of riddles for kids, easy riddles, funny riddles, and more for you to enjoy.
1. Given the following 3 words, can you come up with one three letter word that when added to each of the original three letter words will give you a six letter word?
For Tar Bud
2. Why can't you keep a clock in jail?
3. What must we do before we can have our sins forgiven?
4. If a man was born in Greece, raised in Spain, came to America, and died in San Francisco, what is he?
5. What does a hen do when she stands on one foot?
6. How are people like animals?
7. What hired killer never goes to jail?
8. What is the moral of the story about Jonah and the whale?
9. Why did the man have to fix the horn on his car?
10. Why are a rooster's feathers always smooth?
11. Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?
12. How are prisoners like astronauts?
13. Where did money get it's start?
14. When a dirty kid has finished washing himself after taking a bath, what is still dirty?
15. Why is a dog's tail like the heart of a tree?