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135 Hard Riddles Page 1 of 14

These hard riddles will test you solving abilities; so get ready for some challenging riddles.

We have 14 pages in our collection of hard riddles, which contain about 135 thought provoking riddles. They consist of all different types for you to solve, logic riddles, math riddles, thinking riddles and others that are just fun to try to figure out. But, if you can't get them solved, fear not, all of our riddles have the answers for you.

1. A woman goes into a hardware store to buy something for her house.  When asked the price, the clerk replies, "the price of one is twelve cents, the price of forty-four is twenty-four cents, and the price a hundred and forty-four is thirty-six cents.  What does the woman want to buy?

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2. Ten people, all wearing hats, were walking along a street when a sudden wind blew their hats off.  A helpful boy retrieved them and, without asking which hat belonged to which person, handed each person a hat.  What is the probability that exactly 9 of the people received their own hats?

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3. Voices without mouths, throats or lungs; they know no language, but answers all tongues.

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4. Which day is two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday?

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5. Use math symbols to replace the question marks to make the following a valid equation:

12 ? 2 ? 7 ? 4 = 9

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6. Each son in the Smith family has just as many brothers as sisters, but each daughter has twice as many brothers as sisters.  How many boys and girls are there in the family?

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7. President Obama is listed as our 44th president, but only 43 men have held the office.  Why?

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8. A farmer was going to town with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came to a stream that he had to cross.  There was a tiny boat; he could only take one thing across at a time.  However, if he left the fox alone with the goose, the fox would eat the goose, and if he left the goose alone with the corn, the goose would eat the corn.  How does he get them all safely across the stream?

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9. There is a wine barrel with no lid and some wine in it. "This barrel of wine is more than half full," says Larry. "No it's not, says Joe. It's less than half full."  Without any measuring implements and without removing any wine from the barrel, how can they determine who is correct?

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10. Paul boasted to his friends that he had done 20 percent better on his math test than Pete did.  Pete got an 80 on his test; so Paul's friends all believed that Paul got a 100.  Were Paul's friends correct?

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