76. Spell pound in two letters?
77. Why did the thief steal the deck of cards?
78. Why is it hard to recognize horses from the back?
79. What would you get if you crossed an Irish cook with an Italian cook?
80. Why shouldn't you put grease on your hair the night before a test?
81. What does a pickle say when it wants to join a poker game?
82. What animal do you resemble when you're in the shower?
83. What's the best day to have a stick of gum?
84. What's the first thing you put into an empty room?
85. What is the difference between a sniper and chocolate cake?
86. How do you get fur from a bear?
87. What does a skunk do about kitchen odors?
89. Why did the silly man wear loud socks?
90. Why did the turtle cross the road?