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15 tough what am I riddles to test your knowlege.

These what am I riddles deal with a wide variety of subject areas and come with answers, can you get all of them correct? Some of thses may be tough riddles or tricky riddles; so good luck.

46. I have 3 forms
I am hard enough to split a rock, yet I am
light enough to float above the treetops.
I can also be used for healing.

What am I?

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47. After you take away the whole of me, some is still left behind.

What am I?

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48. My first is in bridge but not in ridge.
My second is in awake and in mistake.
My third is in danger but not in ranger.
My fourth is in flange and in orange.
My fifth is in spline and in wine.
My last is in river and in diver.
My whole likes the darkness.

What am I?

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49. I am a word of 11 letters.
My 7, 3, 8, 4, 5 is what the little girl did when her dog died.
My 9, 10, 6, 2 is an obscuring smudge.
My 1, 11 is an abbreviation for that is.
My whole is as little as it can get.

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50. I am a word of 11 letters
My 4, 9, 5 is worn on the head
My 10, 9, 1, 11 is a narrow road
My 11, 2, 3 , 4, 5 is a number
My 8, 6, 7, is a spirit.
My whole is an excellent songster.

What am I?

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51. With thieves I consort
With the vilest, in short,
I'm quite at my ease in depravity;
Yet all divines use me
And savants can't lose me
For I am the center of gravity.

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52. I sleep in the day and I fly in the night.  I have no feathers to aid my flight.

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53. My head and tail both equal are,
My middle slender as a bee.
Whether I stand on head or heel
Is quite the same to you or me.
But if my head should be cut off,
The matter's true, though passing strange
Directly I to nothing change.

What am I?

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54. I travel high and low.  I scale to the heights and then again travel back down.  By reading the lines, I can be found. But if you read between the lines, you will also find me.  Without me a lot of the world would be without sound.

What am I?

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55. I live above a star, but do not burn.
I have 11 friends that do not turn.
My initials are PRS.

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56. I have streets but no pavement.
I have cities but no buildings.
I have forests yet no trees.
I have rivers yet no water.

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57. When liquid splashes me, none seeps through.  When I am moved a lot, liquid I spew.  When I am hit, color I change.  And color, I come in quite a range.  What I cover is very complex, and I am very easy to flex.

What am I?

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58. We are always around, yet only sometimes in sight.  The sun makes us invisible, but the dark makes us bright.

What am I?

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59. I am a word for something believed to turn metals into gold, or to make someone immortal.  Remove my last 2 letters, and add a letter to the beginning of me, and you have a cat or (with a different letter) something in duplicate associated with DNA.

What am I?

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60. You throw away the outside and cook the inside.  Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside?

What did you eat?

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