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What Am I Riddles And Answers

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What am I riddles and answers for your enjoyment. These are some of the best riddles for adults and children.

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16. A potato's key tool, I have all the power.  I am generally used on the half or full hour.  If my cells were deceased or lost or the such, I would stop responding to your touch.

What am I?

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17. The more of me you take, the more of me you leave behind.

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18. I am a three digit number.
My second digit is four times more than my third digit.
My first digit is seven less than my second digit.

What number am I?

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19. I always run but never walk,
often murmur but never talk,
I have a bed but never sleep,
I have a mouth but never eat.

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20. No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.

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21. I have many feathers to help me fly.
I have a body and head, but I'm not alive.
It is your strength which determines how far I go.
You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown.

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22. My first is in ocean but never in sea, my second's in wasp but never in bee.  My third is in glider and also in flight, my whole is a creature that in the night.

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23. I am very skinny and very shy,
when I'm born I live for no more than an hour and die.
All that I do within this hour is seek out anything I can devour.
When people see me they are never glad,
and when I leave they are even more sad.

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24. I cannot be felt, seen or touched;
Yet I can be found in everybody;
My existence is always in debate;
Yet there is a style of music named after me.

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25. I am slim and tall, many find me desirable and appealing, they touch me and I give a false good feeling, once I shine in splendor, but only once and then no more, for many I am "to die for".

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26. Until I am measured I am not known, yet you miss me so much when I have flown.

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27. My color is white and I am used for cutting and grinding.  If I am damaged, I am removed or filled.

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28. I walk on, 4 legs in the beginning,
2 legs in the middle,
3 legs in the end.

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29. I can be created by humans, but they cannot control me.
I suck on wood, paper and flesh alike.
I can be more of a hindrance than help at times.
To my creators, I seem to be everywhere at once.

What am I?

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30. All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat to talk, but I can be heard.

What Am I?

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