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You can use some of these school riddles to fool your friends and classmates.

Hey kids, try some of these funny school riddles on your classmates and maybe fool them and get a laugh.

46. What did the student say to the math worksheet?

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47. What kind of meals do math teachers eat?

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48. Why did the snake get detention?

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49. What vegetables do librarians like?

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50. What did the scientist say to the hydrogen atom that claimed it lost an electron?

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51. Why did all the students wear glasses during math class?

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52. Who invented King Arthur's round table?

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53. Who's the king of the classroom?

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54. What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at you?

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55. What do you do with dead elements?

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56. What did the tree say to the math teacher?

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57. What grades do pirates get in school?

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58. Where did the pencil go for vacation?

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59. Why did the students do multiplication problems on the floor?

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60. Why did the teacher become cross-eyed?

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