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Some funny kids jokes for some smiles and maybe a few giggles or laughs with our collection of funny kids jokes.

What goes up when the rain comes down?

An umbrella.

Why don't you see giraffes in elementary school?

Because they're all in High School!

What did the pen say to the pencil?

"So, what's your point!"

Who built the ark?

I have Noah idea!

If fruit comes from a fruit tree, then what kind of tree does a chicken come from?

A Poul-Tree!

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

At the bottom!

Teacher: Can you tell me something important that didn't exist 100 years ago?

Pupil: Me!

What do you get when you put a fish and an elephant together?

Swimming trunks.

Did you hear about the cross eyed teacher?

He couldn't control his pupils!

What is the best day to tell jokes?


What kind of jokes did Einstein make?


What do you get if you cross a hyena with a parrot?

An animal that laughs at its own jokes.

How do you make a pickle laugh?

Tell it an elephant joke.

Did you hear the joke about the banana peel?

Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.

Why do people laugh at mountain jokes?

Because they are hill-arious.

Why didn't the dentist laugh at the joke about the sore tooth?

Because he hurt (heard) that one before.

Did you hear the joke about the express train?

Never mind, you just missed it.

What is the hardest thing about learning to figure skate?

The ice.

Who was the first man in space?

The man in the moon.

Did you hear the joke about the playing cards?

Never mind, it's no big deal.

Did you hear the joke about the three eggs?

Too (two) bad.

Why did the chicken cross the football field?

To score a touchdown.

Did you hear the joke about the sun?

Never mind, it's way over your head.

Why do cowboys ride horses?

Because horses are too heavy to carry.

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