16. After Thanksgiving dinner, where did the pilgrims put their trash?
17. At Thanksgiving dinner, which hand should you butter your roll with?
18. What's the sleepiest thing at the Thanksgiving table?
19. What football game is played on Thanksgiving?
20. What's longer: A Football or A Baseball?
21. What would a British person gain by eating a Thanksgiving meal?
22. Which Thanksgiving beverage is sad?
23. What do you get when you have Broom Hilda on the beach with a turkey?
24. What's orange and falls off walls?
25. What is the best thing to put into stuffing?
26. What does a turkey like to eat on Thanksgiving?
27. Why did the man invest in feathers?
28. Why did the police arrest the turkey?
29. Why did the turkey hurriedly eat his food?
30. Why did the turkey cross the road?