286. What do you get if you cross an octopus and a cow?
287. Why did the policeman give the dog a ticket?
288. How does a baby ghost cry?
289. What smells good and rides a white horse?
290. What gives milk, goes "Moo moo," and makes all your dreams come true?
291. How did they catch the thief who committed the robbery on Mount Everest?
292. Did you hear the story about the skunk?
293. Are horses good acrobats?
294. Why did the cow jump over the moon?
295. How did the strangler feel when he was arrested at the card game?
296. How can you name the capital of every U.S. state in two seconds?
297. What part of a cowboy's outfit is the saddest?
299. What would you get if you crossed a serial killer and a waiter's best customer?
300. Why are pants always too short?