46. When a child stomps through a mud puddle, what is the first thing he does?
47. Why was Washington buried at Mt. Vernon?
48. Where are kings usually crowned?
49. What runs all around the yard without moving?
50. What is found all over the house?
51. What is the best way to get fat?
52. What kind of doctor would a duck become?
53. Why is the dentist so unhappy while at work?
54. What is the best thing to take when you are run down?
55. Why does your sense of touch suffer when you are ill?
56. Why does a bald-headed man have no use for keys?
57. Why do women not become bald as soon as men?
58. What has twenty heads but can't think?
59. What has 4 legs, a back, but no body?
60. If a young boy should lose his knee, where would he go for another?