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Math Riddles Page 7 of 26

Math riddles, math problems and math questions for you to solve, we have a wide variety and levels of difficulty.

61. What number comes next in this number sequence:

3, 8, 15, 24, 35, ?

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62. Find a number that will replace letters a and b so that the five digit number will be divisible by 36:


Note: There are two possible solutions.

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63. A man went into his local bank to cash a check.  In handing over the money, the girl behind the counter mistakenly gave him dollars for cents and cents for dollars.  The man pocketed the money without even bothering to examine it.  On the way home, he spent a nickel.  He then found that he possessed exactly twice the amount for which his check had been made out.  If he had no money in his pocket before going to the bank, can you tell how much his check was for?

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64. How long is a rope that is 2 yards shorter than another rope that is three times the length of the first rope?

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65. I lost my wallet, and I don't remember how much money I had, but I remember thinking the first time I bought something that it cost 10 percent of what I had.  Then I noticed that the second purchase was also exactly 10 percent of what I had left.  My sales slips totaled $19.  How much was in the wallet when I lost it?

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66. When Bonnie is six years older than she is now, Bruce will be two-thirds as old as she is.  When she is three times as old as she is now, Bruce will be 14.  If neither one is yet a teenager, how old are they now?

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67. It was a bring your own food party, but not everyone could contribute food.  The agreement was that those who didn't bring food would contribute cash.  Sally brought a certain amount of pies, Jane brought one more than Sally, and Hector brought one more than Jane.  William brought nothing, but asked them to divide the nice little pies equally, and he would pay.  The four split the pies evenly.  There was a total of a dozen pies, each worth $1.00.  How much should each of them get or pay?

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68. An electrician agrees to work on the condition that he is paid 2 monetary units for everyday that he works on wiring a house, but he must forfeit 3 units on the days that he fails to work on the house.  After 30 days, he finds that he has paid out exactly as much as he has received.  How many days did he work on the house?

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69. Having just picked some apples from my tree, I placed them in a basket, & took them around to my friends.  I ate one, & then gave a third of the remaining apples to my friend Mike.  I then drove to Joe's home, but ate two apples along the way.  I gave Joe half of the remaining apples.  After Joe's I met Christy, & gave her 10 of the remaining apples, which left one apple.  I ate this one later.  How many apples started out in the basket?

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70. If 3 operators can answer 120 calls in half an hour, how many operators does it take to answer 560 calls in one hour?

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