46. How can you spell rot with 2 letters?
47. What girl's name is like a letter?
48. Can you spell very happy with 3 letters?
49. What did the kid say when he opened his piggy bank and found nothing?
50. What Roman numerals can climb a wall?
51. What letter of the alphabet is needed to make a shoe?
52. What letter travels the greatest distance?
53. What letters express the most agreeable people in the world?
54. When were there only 2 vowels?
55. When did Chicago begin with a "C" and end with an "E"?
56. Why is the letter "B" like a hot fire?.
57. Why is the letter "R" important to friendship?
58. How can you spell enemy using 3 letters.
59. What is the difference between here and there?
60. Why is an island like the letter "T"?