61. What is the best thing to do if a bull charges you?
62. When is an umpire like an operator?
63. How can you pitch a winning baseball game without ever throwing a ball?
64. Which weighs more a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?
65. What kind of ant can break a picnic table with one blow?
66. What do dogs drink at picnics?
67. Where do race cars go swimming?
68. Can a boyscout make a fire with one stick?
69. A hiker went without sleep for 7 days and wasn't tired. How?
70. What kind of egg travels to unknown places?
71. What did the hiker say when he ran into a porcupine?
72. Why can't you play basketball with pigs?
73. How do hikers dress on cold mornings?
74. Which football player wears the biggest helmet?
75. What runs but never gets out of breath?