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Answers to the Hidden Bible Names Quiz

Did you find all of the hidden Bible names, if not here are the answers.

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible.  It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts...and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. The truth finally struck home to numbers of readers.  To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot.  Others will require judges to help them.  I will quickly admit, it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found.  A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better.  See how well you can compete. Relax now for there really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.  If I chose another sentence or two, maybe you could post the mat the water cooler.

The names are, listed in the order they appear:

Mark, Luke, Kings, Acts, Revelation, James, Ruth, Numbers, Job, Amos, Esther, Judges, Titus, Lamentations, Hebrews, Peter, Hosea, Matthew

The 17th book found by one of our visitors is Hebrews! The 18th found is Esther!

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