31. How is it possible that six children and two dogs were sharing a small umbrella, and none of them got wet?
32. What can run but can't walk?
33. What did the big watch hand say to the little watch hand?
34. What do you get if you cross an insect and a rabbit?
35. What has teeth but no mouth?
36. What is the difference between a pear and a pearl?
37. What kind of electricity do they have in Washington?
38. What piece of wood is like a king?
39. How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato soup?
40. When prices are going up, what remains stationary?
41. If a boy is spanked by his mother and his father, which one hurts the most?
42. What animal makes the most of its food?
43. What did one car muffler say to the other car muffler?
44. What did the man do when he got a big gas bill?
45. What goes around a yard but doesn't move?