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Easter Riddles And Easter
Bunny Riddles For Kids Page 4 of 5

When the easter egg hunt and coloring eggs is finished, check out these Easter riddles with the kids.

Children should really smile when they read through this collection of Easter riddles and Easter Bunny riddles.


46. How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty medium size Easter basket?

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47. How does a rabbit keep his fur looking good?

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48. What does the Easter Bunny do when it rains?

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49. What does the Easter Bunny get for making a basket?

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50. What's the faster way to mail a letter to the Easter Bunny?

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51. What do you call an egg from outer space?

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52. How did the Easter bunny rate the Easter parade?

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53. How does the Easter Bunny travel?

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54. How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat?

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55. What college did the Easter Bunny graduate from?

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56. What kind of exercise does the Easter Bunny do?

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57. What do you call a dumb bunny?

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58. How does a rabbit throw a tantrum?

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59. What kind of beans don't grow on stalks?

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60. What's the difference between the Easter Bunny and a lumberjack?

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