946. Unscramble the three names below and explain why one of them is the "odd man out."
947. Joe likes Minnesota more than Iowa, Wisconsin more than Missouri, Ohio more than Maine, and New York more than Vermont. Why?
948. Monica is thinking of a state that touches five others that start with the letters A, U, C, O, and T. What state is she thinking of?
949. The following is a jumbled quote from Mark Twain. Can you determine the correct order of the words that will set the quote straight?
"Please distort as much as you your first, and then you can get them facts."
950. Each of the words below starts and ends with the same letters in the same order (different sets of letters for each word). Fill in the blanks and complete the words.
_ _ I F I _ _
_ _ R M I _ _
_ _ _ R A I N _ _ _
951. "No problem," said Jane when asked if she had change for a dollar. After looking in her purse she realized she'd spoken too soon -- she couldn't even change a half-dollar, a dime or a nickel. What's the largest amount of change (no silver dollars) she could have?
952. The names of three birds are hidden below (in consecutive order). Can you pick them out?
At the sea, gleaming in the sunlight, I saw Rennie in the water. "I'm frantic, row out and save me!" she cried.
953. Can you come up with the names of three cheeses?
_ R _ _ _ R _
_ O _ _ O _ _ O _ _
_ A _ _ _ _ A _
954. Which is more: 500 centimeters or 10 yards?
955. Very few words in the English language end with the letters -DOUS. One such word is listed below. Can you come up with three more?
956. Here's a palindrome:
How did EVE refer to her first appearance on television when she described it to NAN?
T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T
957. In a large crater on Mars, each Martian carries an identification card. Each Martian's card is different and contains one letter and one one-digit number, including zero. What's the maximum number of Martians that could be living in the crater? (Assume that the Martian number system and alphabet is the same as ours.)
958. What one four-letter word can be placed before each of the words below to make four new words? (Hyphenated words are allowed.)
_ _ _ _ H O E
_ _ _ _ L A S H
_ _ _ _ H A N D
_ _ _ _ W A R D
959. Which one of these sentences if the odd one out?
1. My aunt is not eloquent.
2. Urchins travel against him.
3. Nine eggs value amber dead ants.
4. My sister is an eloquent urchin.
960. What number comes next?
1, 8, 81, 1024, ?