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316. Barbie is going to a party.  The party is for her father's sister's daughter's brother.  What is her relationship to the guest of honor?

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317. Using the same set of letters in the same order, can you fill in the blanks and make a normal sentence?

A     _ o _ a _ l _    doctor     had     _ o     _ a _ l _     and 

therefore,     was     _ o _     a _ l _     to     operate.

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318. I bought something on the installment plan.  I'm not sure if I got a good deal or not.  The payments to date, according to my checkbook, have reached $96.  The second cost $2.00 more than the first year; the third year cost $3.00 more than the second; and the fourth year cost me $4.00 more than the third.  What were my payments the first year?

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319. Each of the sentences below contain clues to the names of trees.  Can you find all nine trees?  Hint:  most of the names are obtained from the descriptions given rather than being hidden in the sentence.

1.  The coastguard discovered the clear remains of a fire on the seashore. 
2.  "Don't just stand there and mope," urged my older brother. "Fight back" 3.  The couple are well-liked, but without doubt you will owe their friends a tidy sum.

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320. A shopkeeper packs his dog biscuits in boxes containing 16, 17, 23, 24, 39 and 40 pounds, and he is not prepared to sell them in any other way, nor break into a box.  A customer asks to be supplied with exactly 100 pounds of biscuits.  If you were the shopkeeper, could you meet the customer's requirements?  If not, how near could you get to supplying the 100 pounds?  You can assume that there is an ample supply of boxes of each size.

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321. Eliminate only one letter in the word that fits the first definition to realize the second.

Change a place to sit into a word for burn.
Change a place to live into a piece of clothing.

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322. When the following groups of letters are unscrambled into words, which is the odd man out?

IANPO          RUTTMEP          PRAH          LVNOII

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323. The equation 173 + 295 = 468 uses all the digits from 1 to 9 only once each.  There are many combinations of those numbers that will deliver the same answer.  Can you find 3 more?

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324. What 2 words, formed from different arrangements of the same 8 letters, will complete the sentence below?

Some severe illnesses can _____________ a population, unless physicians can _________ all who are in danger.

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325. What are the two missing numbers in the series below?

_  _  3  3  7  7  2  3  6  5

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326. Which of the following words doesn't belong in the group and why?

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327. Ralph married two women without divorcing either of them and with neither woman divorcing him, committing bigamy or dying.  How is this possible?

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328. A man has a metal pole which is 1.05 meters long and he wants to get on a bus, but it is the rule of the bus that passengers are not allowed to carry any items more than 1 meter in length, breadth or height on the bus.  He runs into a store and comes out with a package containing the pole.  The bus driver allows him on the bus.  Why?

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329. Jim and Tom find a long piece of pipe in a vacant lot.  It's big enough so that each boy can just manage to squeeze into it and crawl from one end to the other.  If Jim and Tom go into the pipe from opposite ends, is it possible for each boy to crawl the entire length of the pipe and come out the other end?

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330. A customer at a 7-11 store selected 4 items to buy, and was told that the cost was $7.11.  He was curious that the cost was the same as the store name; so he inquired as to how the figure was obtained.  The clerk said that he had simply multiplied the prices of the 4 individual items.  The customer protested that the 4 prices should have been added, not multiplied.  The clerk said that the result would still be the same.  What were the prices of the 4 items?

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