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1260 Challenging Brain Teasers Page 16 of 84

Brain teasers come in the form of questions and answers. Here are some with answers you can play around with.

226. We were four, one was cut and we were five. What are we?

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227. Walk on the living, they don't even mumble;
Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.

What are we talking about?

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228. Reduce the high-flown language below to a common saying:

One who retires to his nightly repose at an hour deemed not too tardy and gets up in the same manner, will tend to keep himself in good physical condition, good monetary condition and sapient.

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229. What 2 words, formed from different arrangements of the same nine letters, will complete the sentence below?

The movie star used dogs as bodyguards because he felt that his ___________  could fend off any _____________  with ease.

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230. The math department was making arrangements for a farewell luncheon to honor one of their retiring colleagues.  They calculated that it would cost each person $30.  "It's lucky that there aren't five fewer of us to split the bill, or it would be $10 more each", said one of the math teachers.  How many people would be splitting the bill, and how much did the luncheon cost?

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231. Here's a palindrome for you:

What did Elba's friend say to reassure Elba about her good temper?  (the apostrophe is moveable.)

_  L  _  _          _ ' _          _  M  _  _  _  _  _

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232. In the written numbers from one to ninety-nine, many of the letters of the alphabet are excluded.  There are no A's, B's, C's, D's, J's, K's, M's, P's, Q's or Z's!!  And the letter L is only used 2 times.  In a 10 second time limit can you name the two numbers that use the letter L?

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233. If Boston is east of New York, cross out all the A's.  If not, cross out the R's.  If Paris is south of New York, cross out all the O's.  If not, cross out the I's.  If Sri Lanka is in Asia, cross out the B's and U's.  If not, cross out the C's.  The remaining letters will tell you whether you've found the right answer.

C  A  A  O  I  I  A  B  U  R  R  I  A  U  E  I  B  B  C  I  A  U  T

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234. What do you eat that you throw away the outside and cook the inside, then you eat the outside and throw away the inside?

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235. Which number when added to 5/4 gives the same result as when it is multiplied 5/4?

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236. What is the next number in this series?

21, 20, 18, 15, 11, ________?

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237. Three American cities are inter-lettered below.  Can you find the cities?

D  E  F  O  S  A  T  R  R  T  C  R  O  I  W  A  A  M  T  Y  N  E  N  E  T  O

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238. Five kids entered a contest to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar.  Alice guessed 45, Betty guessed 39, Charlie guess 49, Don guessed 50 and Earl guessed 47.  One of them was off by 6, one by 5, one by 2, and one by 4.  One was right.  How many marbles were in the jar?

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239. Can you unscramble the following 13 letters to form an English word?

A  T  C  S  D  R  I  E  I  N  O  N  O

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240. Can you change one letter in each step and make the word RIDE into the word HARD?

_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _

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