91. What kind of dog can jump as high as the tallest building in the world?
92. What kind of horse likes to be ridden at night?
93. Why are cards like wolves?
94. What do you call nervous insects?
95. If a cat can jump 5 feet high, then why can't it jump through a 3 foot high window?
96. Why are spiders like tops?
97. What advice can you give a fish so he can avoid being caught?
98. Why is a cat in the desert like Christmas?
99. How do you know that bees are happy?
100. What did the baby porcupine say to the cactus?
101. What is the best way to catch a squirrel?
102. What dog never barks no matter what you do to it?
103. Who was the first to have a mobile home?
105. Why do lions eat raw meat?