526. Why was the chef hired to coach the baseball team?
527. Which soccer player is never promoted?
528. What do you call someone with a big red nose and purple hair who takes a plane from New York to Alaska?
529. What kind of singers do you find in Yellowstone National Park?
530. Why should you always remain calm when you encounter cannibals?
531. Why is a garden like a story?
532. What kind of music do you hear when you throw a stone into a lake?
533. What is a chef's favorite dog?
534. Why did the football sports fan spend so much time in the bathroom?
535. What is the difference between a tennis racket and a doughnut?
536. If Dick's father is John's son, what relation is Dick to John?
537. When you take away two letters from this five letter word you get one. What's the word?
538. What does a parrot say on the Fourth of July?
539. What did the farmer use to cure his sick pig?
540. When do boxers start wearing gloves?