586. Using 8 letters, how can you tell Ellen that she is pretty?
587. Always old, but sometimes new, never sad, but sometimes blue, never empty, but sometimes full, never pushes, but always pulls. What am I?
588. What is smaller than an ant's mouth?
589. What does an envelope say when you lick it?
590. Why couldn't Batman go fishing?
591. What kind of running means walking?
592. What fills as it empties?
593. What comes after B in the alphabet?
594. What kind of clothing wears the longest?
595. What goes up and down but doesn't move?
596. Jennifer went swimming and saw a big shark, but she wasn't afraid. Why not?
597. How can you avoid being driven crazy?
598. Nothing on the outside, nothing on the inside, light as a feather, yet ten men cannot lift it. What is it?
599. Why is the letter D like a wedding ring?
600. What is the laziest mountain in the world?