556. What is nothing but holes tied to holes, yet it is as strong as iron?
557. What does a dog get when it finishes obedience school?
558. How do you communicate with a fish?
559. When was baseball first mentioned in the Bible?
560. Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist?
561. What is it that a man can use for shaving, cleaning his clothes, and sleeping in?
563. What did the tree say to the tree surgeon?
564. Why did the silly man tiptoe past the campers?
565. Why was the baseball player asked to come along on the camping trip?
566. Why don't anteaters have infections?
567. What was one of the greatest feats of strength ever performed?
568. How can you tune into the sun?
569. What gets 25 miles to a gallon of plasma?
570. How can you tell when the ocean wants to meet you?