376. Where do sick steamships go?
377. What's the difference between a tennis umpire and a Congressman?
378. A camper fell out of a canoe into the middle of a lake. He neither swam not sank. How could that be?
379. What well-known band leader collected $100,00 in one minute?
380. What kind of grain is usually sown at night?
381. Why is Congress like a cold?
382. What is the difference between a model and a person who carries a picket sign?
383. What is the best kind of letter to read on a very hot day?
384. What do you call an injured carpenter who misplaces his wood cutting tool?
385. If a farmer can raise 20 bushels of corn in dry weather, what can he raise in wet weather?
386. What is the healthiest kind of water?
387. What would you get if you crossed a fortune teller with a shoemaker?
388. What is a tree's favorite drink?
389. How did the ditch digger get his job?
390. When the apple wanted to fight the banana, why did the banana run away?