331. What gets harder to catch the faster you run?
332. What is worse than being with a fool?
333. Why is a single person like borrowed money?
334. Why is a pony like a person with a sore throat?
335. How do you make a milk shake?
336. What goes through water but doesn't get wet?
337. Who are the best letter writers?
338. How can a baseball game end in a score of four to two without a man reaching first base?
339. You have to travel very far before you can turn it over. What is it?
340. If you don't feel well, what do you probably have?
341. What would you get if you crossed an elephant with a chicken?
342. Why are there bridges over water?
343. What happened when the couple tried to kiss in the dense fog?
344. Why is a penny like a rooster on a fence?
345. What is the best thing to take when you're run over?