106. What is a caveman's favorite lunch?
107. What is the difference between a pear and a pearl?
108. What suit lasts longer than you want it to?
109. What do you call pigs who write letters to each other?
110. When is a gun unemployed?
111. How were the hamburgers taken to the police station?
112. Why do postman carry letters?
113. Why does a policeman have brass buttons on his coat?
114. What happens to a thief if he falls into a cement mixer?
115. What is the easiest way to keep milk from turning sour?
116. How do you make dough rise?
117. What kind of star wears sunglasses?
118. Which member of Congress wears the biggest hat?
119. Why did the spy spray his room with DDT?
120. How is a political speech like a steer?