181. Why didn't the crooked tailor go to jail?
182. How do you make a lemon drop?
183. Which country should be the richest in the world?
184. Why was the farmer angry?
185. What kind of doctor operates on Styrofoam robots?
186. Why did the silly kid study in an airplane?
187. Where do baby trees go to school?
188. Why can't the world ever come to an end?
189. What made the farmer yell?
190. What did the scientist get when she crossed an electric eel and a sponge?
191. What did the smart student say when her report card went from A's to B's?
192. What has fifty heads and fifty tails?
193. Why are a star and a barn alike?
194. What do you get if you cross a wolf and a rooster?
195. What kind of dog rescued the scientist's equipment?