301. What loses its head every morning but gets it back at night?
302. What is the best name for the wife of a jeweler?
303. What do you call a be born in May?
304. What kind of hair do oceans have?
305. Why are waiters like tennis players?
306. What pierces your ears without leaving a hole?
307. What is the best name for the wife of a lawyer?
308. What geometric figure is like a runaway parrot?
309. Why don't ducks ever grow up?
310. How do they count muffins in the camp kitchen?
311. What happened when the pelican stuck his nose in the wall socket?
312. What is the best name for the wife of a marksman?
313. Why does a lion kneel before it springs?
314. What happened to the criminal contortionist?
315. What's the difference between a football player and a duck?