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Riddles And Answers Page 2 of 50

Here is page 2 of our collection of riddles and answers. There is a nice variety of funny riddles, hard riddles, easy riddles and more for you to enjoy.

16. What is gray on the inside and clear on the outside?

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17. Why do prisoners eat a lot of sweets?

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18. What did Noah do for the people who couldn't get into the ark?

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19. Why can't you read a story about a bed?

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20. When a doctor operates on a dog and comes to his lungs, what does he find?

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21. What would you get if you crossed a giraffe with a rooster?

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22. How is a person in jail like a sinking ship?

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23. Why does history keep repeating itself?

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24. Why did the kid avoid the cemetery?

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25. Why does a cat upon entering a room look on one side of the room and then on the other side?

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26. What does a skunk do when it gets angry?

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27. Why were the walls arrested?

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28. What is the first thing an elephant does at the airport?

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29. What did the tree say to the woodpecker?

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30. How can you make a slow horse fast?

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