16. What is gray on the inside and clear on the outside?
17. Why do prisoners eat a lot of sweets?
18. What did Noah do for the people who couldn't get into the ark?
19. Why can't you read a story about a bed?
20. When a doctor operates on a dog and comes to his lungs, what does he find?
21. What would you get if you crossed a giraffe with a rooster?
22. How is a person in jail like a sinking ship?
23. Why does history keep repeating itself?
24. Why did the kid avoid the cemetery?
25. Why does a cat upon entering a room look on one side of the room and then on the other side?
26. What does a skunk do when it gets angry?
27. Why were the walls arrested?
28. What is the first thing an elephant does at the airport?
29. What did the tree say to the woodpecker?
30. How can you make a slow horse fast?