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Real "Gry" Words

Thanks to one of our visitors for compiling a list of "gry" words, this list may not be all of the possible words, but it's an impressive list.

Thanks to Geoff, here is a list:

And to answer the gry riddle...(the "incorrect" version) Here are a list of words that end in gry.

aggry [OED:1:182; W2; W3]

Agry Dagh (Mount Agry) [EB11]

ahungry [OED:1:194; FW; W2]

angry [OED; FW; W2; W3]

anhungry [OED:1:332; W2]

Badagry [Johnston; EB11]

Ballingry [Bartholomew:40; CLG:151; RD:164, pl.49]

begry [OED:1:770,767]

bewgry [OED:1:1160]

bowgry [OED:1:1160]

braggry [OED:1:1047]

Bugry [TIG]

Chockpugry [Worcester]

Cogry [BBC]

cony-gry [OED:2:956]

conyngry [OED:2:956]

Croftangry [DFC, as "Chrystal Croftangry"]

dog-hungry [W2]

Dshagry [Stieler]

Dzagry [Andree]

eard-hungry [CED (see "yird"); CSD]

Echanuggry [Century:103-104, on inset map, Key 104 M2]

Egry [France; TIG]

ever-angry [W2]

fire-angry [W2]

Gagry [EB11]

gry (from Latin _gry_) [OED:4/2:475; W2]

gry (from Romany _grai_) [W2]

haegry [EDD (see "hagery")]

half-angry [W2]

hangry [OED:1:329]

heart-angry [W2]

heart-hungry [W2]

higry pigry [OED:5/1:285]

hogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD]

hogrymogry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "hogry-mogry")]

hongry [OED:5/1:459; EDD:3:282]

huggrymuggry [EDD (see "huggerie"); CSD (as "huggry-muggry")]

hungry [OED; FW; W2; W3]

Hungry Bungry [Daily Illini, in ad for The Giraffe, Spring 1976]

iggry [OED]

Jagry [EB11]

kaingry [EDD (see "caingy")]

land-hungry [OED; W2]

leather-hungry [OED]

Langry [TIG; Times]

Lisnagry [Bartholomew:489]

MacLoingry [Phillips (as "Flaithbhertach MacLoingry")]

mad-angry [OED:6/2:14]

mad-hungry [OED:6/2:14]

magry [OED:6/2:36, 6/2:247-48]

malgry [OED:6/2:247]

man-hungry [OED]

Margry [Indians (see "Pierre Margry" in bibliog., v.2, p.1204)]

maugry [OED:6/2:247-48]

mawgry [OED:6/2:247]

meagry [OED:6/2:267]

meat-hungry [W2]

menagry [OED (see "managery")]

messagry [OED]

nangry [OED]

overangry [RH1; RH2]

Pelegry [CE (in main index as "Raymond de Pelegry")]

Pingry [Bio-Base; HPS:293-94, 120-21]

podagry [OED; W2 (below the line)]

Pongry [Andree (Supplement, p.572)]

pottingry [OED:7/2:1195; Jamieson:3:532]

puggry [OED:8/1:1573; FW; W2]

pugry [OED:8/1:1574]

rungry [EDD:5:188]

scavengry [OED (in 1715 quote under "scavengery")]

Schtschigry [LG/1:2045; OSN:97]

Seagry [TIG; EB11]

Segry [Johnston; Andree]

self-angry [W2]

self-hungry ?

Shchigry [CLG:1747; Johnson:594; OSN:97,206;Times:185,pl.45]

shiggry [EDD]

Shtchigry [LG/1:2045; LG/2:1701]

Shtshigry [Lipp]

skugry [OED:9/2:156, 9/1:297; Jamieson:4:266]

Sygry [Andree]

Tangry [France]

Tchangry [Johnson:594; LG/1:435,1117]

Tchigry [Johnson:594]

tear-angry [W2]

tike-hungry [CSD]

Tingry [France; EB11 (under "Princesse de Tingry")]

toggry [Simmonds (as "Toggry", but all entries are capitalized)]

ulgry [Partridge; Smith:24-25]

unangry [OED; W2]

vergry [OED:12/1:123]

Virgy [CLG:2090]

Wirgy [CLG:2090; NAP:xxxix; Times:220, pl.62; WA:948]


wind-hungry [W2]

yeard-hungry [CED (see "yird")]

yerd-hungry [CED (see "yird"); OED]

yird-hungry [CED (see "yird")]

Ymagry [OED:1:1009 (col. 3, 1st "boss" verb), (variant of "imagery")]


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