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Good Riddles Page 7 of 7

Even though they are good riddles, you may find that some of them are just silly.

Our collection of good riddles include all categories and difficulty levels of hard riddles, easy riddles, animal riddles and a lot more for you to answer.

91. What did one arithmetic book say to the other arithmetic book?

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92. What doesn't get any wetter no matter how much it rains?

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93. What do you call a calf after it is six months old?

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94. What is the first thing you see when you understand something?

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95. How do pigs write?

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96. What kind of tree do you find in the kitchen?

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97. How does a boat show affection?

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98. What trees come in two's?

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99. When does a chair dislike you?

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100. Who always goes to bed with shoes on?

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101. Who keeps locomotives running?

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102. Why does a baby pig eat so much?

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103. What has a head, can't think, but drives?

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104. Why is a man with a cold on his chest not a man?

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105. Why don't cows ever have any money?

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