Number Equation Riddles Page 1 of 6
Replace the letters in these equations with a word or words that makes the number equation sensible.
Number equation riddles rely on your ability to equate a number to a familiar or common phrase that contains that number, they're a lot of fun.
All of the equation puzzle riddles come with the equation puzzle answers and are comprised of initials that you must replace with words that will make them correct. For example, 26 = L of the A, is 26 = Letters of the Alphabet.
Put those thinking caps on and try to solve them
Have Fun.
1. 7 = W. of the A. W.
7 = Wonders of the Ancient World.
2. 1,001 = A. N.
3. 12 = S. of the Z.
12 = Signs of the Zodiac.
4. 54 = C. in a D. (with the J).
54 = Cards in a Deck (with the Jokers).
5. 9 = P. in the S.S.
9 = Planets in the Solar System.
6. 88 = P. K.
7. 13 = S. on the A. F.
13 = Stripes on the American Flag.
8. 32 = D. at which W. F.
32 = Degrees at which Water Freezes.
9. 18 = H. on a G. C.
18 = Holes on a Golf Course.
10. 90 = D. in a R. A.
90 = Degrees in a Right Angle.
11. 9 = J. of the S. C.
9 = Judges of the Supreme Court.
12. 10 = D. in a T. N. ( including the A. C. )
10 = Digits in a Telephone Number ( including the Area Code. ).
13. 7 = D. in S. W.
7 = Dwarfs in Snow White.
14. 30 = S. over T.
15. 8 = D. a W. ( in the B. S. )
8 = Days a Week ( in the Beatle's Song. )